• Qualified, Expert Support

  • Here to Help You

What Therapy I Offer

I know that coming to counselling is a big and scary step and can be time consuming.

We start with a 15 minute via phone / video consultation. This is free.

Instructions of how to join the zoom meeting will be sent via email 24hrs before. So we can have a chat and see what your bringing to therapy. And that we are a good match, and that our schedules match up.

What we discuss in the therapy session is entirely up to you. You can bring whatever you want to. My role is provide a safe, calm and non judgemental space. Which is confidential.

I will be lead by you in what you need. Whether that’s silence or a different perspective on things. Or just someone to listen.

To unburden yourself. In time together we can find out where these feelings and thoughts come from and work through it so you can feel like you can breathe again. Or just simply fall asleep and night.

As the therapy ends with me. You will leave with the tools to help you as you move forward in life.

The sessions will be 1 hour long at the same day and time each week. If its possible.

There is no set time of how long you will be in therapy for. On average most people find 12-18 sessions the most beneficial. Some people can be here longer and some shorter. Each client is unique.

As a guide I like to check in and review every 6 weeks. To see where you are. And if its beneficial for you.


I don’t know where to begin there’s just too much.

Start small or with the biggest issue that’s causing you with the most pain.

I can’t tell the therapist that. They will be disgusted that I did that.

Whatever you bring to therapy I promise to show no judgement I am here you no matter what. After 7 years of clients. Chances are I have probably heard it before.

What if they tell their friends?

Everything you say to me is confidential and stays between us. I am more than happy to not even acknowledge you out of the therapy session. If we see each other out & about.

Online Therapy

  •  You can choose between online or telephone. It’s your choice. One doesn’t work better than the other.
  • There is no commuting time. If time is a factor
  • You can create more comfortable space to be able to open up more
  • If you want to work with me but don’t live close. We can work online.
  • You don’t need to leave home. Which can work well if you work from home.
  • You don’t need to worry about finding childcare either.
Online Therapy

Privacy and Tips for Zoom Calls

I encourage you to find a private space for you to be in during the session. However I understand that’s not always possible. So please have a look at a few ideas of how to keep the interruptions at a minimum. And so that we can’t be overheard. Or interrupted.

Tell your family you are having a session and need quiet time and are not to be interrupted.Have a little noise in the background such as the washing machine on or a white noise machine. Music on the doorway of the room being used.

If you are struggling or want to say something extra sensitive you could use the chat function. If your afraid of being overheard. I will see it as soon as its typed.

If your kids are around. You can set a movie or give them their game consoles. If they have one.

Use headphones if you have some. I will be wearing mine to ensure confidentiality for you.

How To Handle Interruptions

Believe it or not technology is not perfect. It can fail for both you and me. I will do my very best to fix it. If it is not fixable. There will be no charge for the session and we will reschedule for as soon as our schedules allow.

I also understand that we are all doing our best. If you are interrupted that’s fine. Even if its someone wanting something from the room or a snack. I will go along with what works for you.

I am here to support you not to judge you. If you have any worries or concerns please do not, suffer in silence. Please tell me and we can work It out together.